
According to publicly-observable and logical common sense, with additional enlightening information contained within the Judeo-Christian Old-and-New-Testaments Holy Bible, we are trapped.

We have always been trapped from the moment of our conception, are trapped now, and will forever be trapped.


And we could not, do not, and cannot do a darn thing about it.

We came into actual physical existence for the first time, not at the behest of parents planning our conception but instead who were simply sexually-craving-and-driven participant progenitors functioning as sperm-and-egg apportioners (not even "providers") of God-given-natural-resource substances and processess pre-set and pre-programmed by the Mysteriously-Three-Persons-in-One, Family-Structured [Father/Son/Spirit], immutably-indestructible/non-conquerable, Divine-Creator God who created them also -- which Almighty Power always was, is now, and forever will be.....Biblically prophesied to eventually dissolve, with "fervent heat," ALL existing physical entities we are trapped within and perceptually detect within the entire Universe.

[Over-contemplating that TRULY-"awesome," mind-boggling, no-beginning/no-ending concept characterizing the Creator would cause any of us to become and remain hopelessly paralyzed in catatonic stupor].

And they did not do a darn thing about it, like committing instead of "performing" abortion homicide which would have prevented our births.

Job 3:1 After this Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth. 2 And Job said: 3 "Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night which said: 'A man-child is conceived.'
4 Let that day be darkness! May God above not seek it, nor light shine upon it.
5 Let gloom and deep darkness claim it. Let clouds dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day terrify it.
6 That night: let thick darkness seize it! let it not rejoice among the days of the year, let it not come into the number of the months.
7 Yea, let that night be barren; let no joyful cry be heard in it.
8 Let those curse it who curse the day, who are skilled to rouse up Levi'athan.
9 Let the stars of its dawn be dark; let it hope for light, but have none, nor see the eyelids of the morning;
10 because it did not shut the doors of my mother's womb, nor hide trouble from my eyes.
11 Why did I not die at birth, come forth from the womb and expire?
12 Why did the knees receive me? Or why the breasts, that I should suck?
13 For then I should have lain down and been quiet; I should have slept; then I should have been at rest..."

Jeremiah 20:14 Cursed be the day on which I was born! The day when my mother bore me, let it not be blessed!
15 Cursed be the man who brought the news to my father: "A son is born to you," making him very glad.
16 Let that man be like the cities which the LORD overthrew without pity; let him hear a cry in the morning and an alarm at noon
, 17 because he did not kill me in the womb; so my mother would have been my grave, and her womb for ever great.
18 Why did I come forth from the womb to see labor and sorrow, and spend my days in shame?

A case for committing and not "performing" abortion homicide?

Certainly NOT!<

Only GOD has the authority to execute a human inside or outside of the womb.
AND whoever GOD honestly and truthfully designates the execution to be done by.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.

Sorry, all you would be self-murdering and others-murdering suicide, abortion, and euthanasia advocates!

We came into existence without our parents, nor God, first asking our permission to bring us into existence, and we (according to the Bible) will continue on forever in eternity without God first asking our permission to do that.

And we could not, do not, nor will do a darn thing about it.

As of this writing, we all were benevolently born into a correct-pressure consistent atmosphere of correct-composition air covering an internally-stable planet not too far and not to close to correctly-sized-and-type Star, all born under the same perfectly-consistent and not-too-hot Sun, all held down to the planet by the same correct amount of impeccably-consistent gravity, all being under the same protective radiation belts surrounding our privileged planet, all born into the same convenient environment of water-instead-of-ammonia-vapor clouds, washing ourselves and fishing in the same beautiful pollution-free lakes (composed of water which, when it freezes, floats on top instead of ice sinking down to kill fish and more underwater), all born into the same refreshing and entertaining snow, crucial-tides-changing oceans, automatically budding and blooming vegetatation each year, and much more....and we could not, do not, and cannot do a darn thing about it.

Nor would we. At least those of us in our right minds.

ALL of us descended from the eight persons who survived a Worldwide Flood in an ingeniously-constructed Ark.

Perhaps some young Christian toddlers (some COULD be VERY smart!) have been queried by skeptics: "Do you believe EVERYTHING you read on the internet?

Their cogent response might very well be: "I believe that everything readable which I see on the internet is actually there to read."

"Really? Aren't you laughably naive and gullible? EVERYTHING?" the skeptic might query.

"Assuredly," the Christian toddler might respond, "although your compound question contained two different components, only one of which I will answer. I believe everything that is factually valid on the Web."

"The Christian Bible is on the internet," the skeptic could continue. "How do you know that all of that is totally true?" The toddler might reply: "You have said so, or at least have inferred or suggested that. Why did you do that? Why instead did you not ask how I would know that all of it is completely false? And both how and why would I know that it is totally false - to impose several pitifully-doubts-burdened questions somewhat simultaneously like you recently presented to me?"

"It can safely be assumed that parts of the Bible might be historically accurate, and more than mere allegory or symbolism or metaphor, myth, or legend," the skeptic might continue. "But which parts"?

"Spirit-inspired logical and intuitive discernment, in logical comparison or association with conceptually and operationally-perceived natural phenomena and processes by which they operate," the toddler might say.

"And supernatural miracles?" the skeptic might question.

"One-time or unusual, and sometimes bizarre, events of non-explainable sources and means are not beyond the realm of both having actually happened and actually happening, but which has not nor would not of necessity preclude their occurrence," the toddler might explain.

"You believe EVERYTHING that you read in the Bible?" the skeptic might then ask.

"Assuredly," the Christian toddler might respond.

"How do you know?" the skeptic might again query.

"Because," the Christian toddler might respond.

"Because WHY?" the skeptic might ask.

"Just because," the Christian toddler might affirm.

"You must have reasons for your belief. Can you elaborate?" the skeptic might retort.

"Assuredly," the toddler might say. "For starters, I will begin by initiating an exhaustive and extensive three-hour dissertation utilizating chemical-composition schematic representation accompanied by complex semantics accentuated by tensor analysis describing extrapolation of variable derivatives involving diverse molecular interaction between N-octylbicycloheptanedicarboximide with N,N-diethylmetatoluamide establishing a descriptive-paradigm construct culminating in more expository conclusion as only one of many reasons. Shall I begin?"

"No, that's not necessary at this time," the fearful skeptic might quickly conclude.

All, or the overwhelming majority of us, ubuiquitously eat by stuffing food into the big hole under our nose, have only one nose we sniff with, born with two ears we hear with, two arms and legs and feet, have one vital stomach, one vital liver, and vital pancreas, two kidneys, two lungs, one vital rectum, one necessary head, and sexually reproduce using nearly-identical parts connecting in uniform ways and places.

And we could not, do not, and cannot, do a darn thing about it - IF we want to physically survive.

Unless we intend suicide, we ALL drink water, and either urinate out of a birthed-with penis or out of a birthed-with pussy crevice (one or the other and not a transsexual/transgendered combination)...and those of us among the rationally sane and sensible do not want to do a darn thing about that.

Some people LIKE it all. They enjoy all the God-given and God-created natural phenomena and entities within and around them, and of which they themselves consist. Plus thank and praise Him for it, no less!

But most people consider themselves deplorably or unfortunately stuck with it, and could not, do not, and cannot do a darn thing about it - whether they would or do want to or not.

They essentially do not have control over anything they were born into, including gravity, sunlight, air, and (worst of all, from their pathetic point of view) them continuing on in eternity without end nor termination after their future resurrection following their physical-body demise...and they do not do, and cannot do, a darn thing about it.

All, to various degrees and extents, realize that if they do not adjust nor accommodate to various immutable manifestations of the will of God the Creator [be that in the form of immediately-immovable non-manipulated rocks, trees, cliffs, high-voltage electricity, poison, dangerous beasts, and more], they will incur to themselves painful punishment in various forms and to various degrees of severity. All who, to various extents, desire to, and do, live comfortably, realize that they have to get out of God's way regarding His immutable environmental entities...and that He, and His frequently-immovable environmental entities, are not going to get out of their way. HE is the Sovereign Boss - NOT themselves.

A few persons, as mentioned, do not mind nor object that they were brought into non-compromising complete-submission-required continuing-life-functioning existence by a Creator who did not first ask them for their permission for Him to so do what He wanted to do and actually did do.

Such people accept the fact of human free will to choose to continue on living within the immutable "playing-field" parameters pre-established by their Creator....instead of choosing to end their own lives (and/or perhaps the lives of innocent or non-innocent others) -- when they want to and how they want to, plus manipulate environmental entities around them when they want and how they want (within limits, of course).

The survivors accept the natural processes of accommodating interaction with each other, which they consider "morality" and "love," and acknowledge that when they seldom or frequently choose to not so accommodate they experience grief and pain from God's environmental natural phenomena and/or from others, which they all understandably and logically consider "sin," and furthermore accept the Scriptural gospel of God-justifying atoning forgiveness cancelling the eternal penalty of their own sin relating to Jesus Christ, the Crucified and Risen-to-Life Lord, who the Bible states "created and holds together all in the Universe by His word of power."

Their Biblically-prophesied destiny and everlasting residence is or will continue to be in Heaven, wherein they expect MORE of what the Creator most-imaginatively can and surprisingly will overwhelmingly provide for them without Him first demanding their permission.....whereas (in stark contrast) those who do NOT like being in subjection to the Creator nor anything He has made which reminds them of Him, nor with gratitude appreciate His religious-right [which they blasphemously slander as so-called "prejudiced and intolerant bigots"] and want to experience NOTHING MORE of God and NOTHING related to, and reminding them of, Him, will (with God's loving or hateful Divine compliance) be FURTHER (and this time, SOLITARILY) forever confined (by default, caused by their own irresponsible non-cooperation), in never-ending suspension within Outer Darkness and indigenous tormenting invisible flames of the Lake of Fire "to the ages of the ages."

And WHY did God choose to do things they way(s) He [NOT "she"] did?

Because He COULD.

And WHY did He do what He could?

Because He WANTED to do what He could.

The Heaven-bound (in stark contrast to the Hell-bound) who are identified as those "whose inmost delight is in the Law of God" (as Saint Paul put it in Romans chapter 7).....contrasted with those who inwardly despise the Law of God, or inmost delight is disobeying the Law of God....rather clearly reveal (by their fruits-of-the-Spirit words and works) that they have completely surrendered to the Absolute Authority of God, evidenced by them declaring that they themselves "must be perfect as their Heavenly Father is perfect" in honestly-and-persistently-attempted TOTAL error-free 24/7 obedience (whether or not anyone claims that that is not humanly possible, with or without the help of Christ and His Spirit).

And neither the Heaven-bound nor the Hell-bound group are, nor will be, able to do a dahm thing about it.