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Ponytail - NOT Purgatory!
![]() "But Jesus was perfect, the Son of God, and sinless Himself" some will respond. So? So WHAT? WHAT has THAT to do with ANYTHING? The answer is that GOD the CREATOR in His Holy Word (the Bible) SAID so -- that this Jesus of supernatural conception and natural birth by being hung and thus cursed according to law DID ACTUALLY BECOME The Atoner of All Penitent Who Really Believe That. Never mind that the reason such is so is simply because "God said so." God also said, for example, that gravity exists and attracts things together, and that also is so. For sure WE didn't make it happen. Which leads us to WHERE Jesus went when He died on a cross. Did He temporarily descend not merely to "the lower parts of the earth" (Ephesians 4:8-10)-- to "Sheol" (as Green's and the RSV's translations put it in Psalm 16:10) within which "Sheol" His Father "did not leave Him there to see corruption?" [Incidently, the KJV mistakenly has "hell" for Psalm 16:10]. Acts 2:27 ("You did not leave His soul in HADES to see corruption") SEEMS to relate to that Psalm 16:10 reference - as does the word "virgin" of Matthew 1:23 SEEM to relate to the word "young woman" of Isaiah 7:14. [The Greek word used in Acts 2:27 is "adou" which I suppose DOES mean "hades"]. However, "Sheol" (the general abode of the dead - both righteous and wicked ones) and "Hades" (a state or place of flaming torment in which those apportioned for the future Lake of Fire are temporarily confined after death) are OBVIOUSLY NOT SYNONYMOUS! Just as Enoch "was taken up so that he should not see death" (Hebrews 11:4-6), Elijah whisked away to heaven by a "chariot of fire" (2nd Kings 2:10-12), and both Moses and Elijah in glory conferred with Jesus in a vision on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-3 and Mark 9:1-3), so it is NOT REASONABLE to PRESUME that the HOLY patriarchs and RIGHTEOUS prophets of the Old Covenant went to SUFFER indescribably PAINFUL hellish TORMENT until Christ's resurrection at which time He "led up a host of captives" (Ephesians 4:7-9). Jesus Christ did NOT tell that repentant dying thief on a cross EITHER that that thief was going to be temporarily TORMENTED in Hades [relating to Christ's Luke 16:22-24 news report of the water-craving non-caring rich man communicating with father Abraham in the flaming torment of Hades which selfish and non-caring rich man had deprived that PRE-resurrected beggar-now-in-PARADISE Lazarus]....nor be consigned to some never-never-land catholic-MYTHOLOGY "purgatory" limbo. Christ INSTEAD definitively promised: "TODAY YOU WILL be with Me in PARADISE." As for Jesus the Redeemer, it DOES appear that He Himself indeed BRIEFLY VISITED Hades (according to Acts 2:27 Greek-Text verification wording)-- tying in the somewhat-incomplete and kind of imperfect prophecy of Psalm 16:10 with the clearer, superior, sharper-vision prophecy of Acts 2:27. But, again, as far as that Jesus-WAS-special, someone-atoning-for-others-by-dying-on-a-cross thing, it WAS SO.........at LEAST because: "God SAID so!" DID JESUS CHRIST WEAR LONG HAIR AND GO BAREFOOT IN PUBLIC? About being barefooted in public: Read KJV's Jeremiah 2:25 About being mopheaded like effeminate-pervert "artists" have mis-portrayed Him.....log into: http://www.tbaptist.com Clearly, it is ADVANTAGEOUS for MARRIED women to have hair as LONG as possible but TIED IN A BACK-OF-HEAD PONYTAIL or UP IN A CHIGNON when in GENERAL public view! ![]()
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