PAY For Your SIN!

This webpage is intended for those who PRESUME (NOT "assume") that they are not under Law but under "grace" and PRESUME that whatever sins they have committed [NOT "performed"] and are now COMMITTING, they themselves cannot be punished for because "Jesus Paid It All" and such antisocial criminal violations are blithely and casually "Washed Away In The Blood Of The Lamb" as they also, and more importantly, are under the civil jurisdiction of Federal and State and County and City EEOC and Civil-Rights Non-Discrimination Regulations.

The three scenarios I want to suggest are:

(1) driving through a red stoplight at a busy intersection
(2) disobeying a clear and direct vocal command by a Marine sergeant during Basic Training
(3) informing their male spouse that they recently did insertive copulative coitus with their neighbor's husband.

Before I get to that, it behooves you the reader, and me the webpage author, to OPERATIONALLY not merely cognitively realize AND VERBALLY admit that the YET-active requirement of so-called "born-again" Christians (according to the Holy Bible) is to COMPLETELY and CONSISTENTLY obey ALL the [moral] Law (in across-the-board TOTALITY of its sundry aspects and current applications) as an ONGOING MANDATORY REQUIREMENT......

....and NOT a "recommendation" nor "suggestion" nor "advice" nor "something we do, not because we HAVE to, but instead WANT to, out of appreciation for what Christ has already done for us" nor "something we do not do because we are under Law but do because we are under "grace" [whatever the hael THAT is]" but "something we automatically do as we live in the spirit [whatever the hael THAT means] and therefore do what is right [whatever the hael THAT is] even though we are no longer under Law."

And WHAT EXACTLY is "what is "RIGHT?" WHAT EXACTLY is "the will of God?" WHO defines THAT? Homogays and homosodomites? Abortionists? Evolutionists? Antisemitic anti-Zionist so-called "palestinians?" Anti-patriarchal sexist feminists?

Is not instead "what is RIGHT" exclusively defined by Mosaic and other Biblical moral Law/U> directives and admonitions plainly available to read and perceive in the Sacred-66-books Old-and-New-Testaments Holy Bible - INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY the Old Testament?

Whoever PRESUMES that God forgave David's ONE-time-ONLY sin of adultery and conspiratorial murder by exempting him from death should realize that David actually did die. And does one also PRESUME that usually-VERY-righteous Job was innocent of the charges of the Three Accusatory Advisors to the extent that God did not finally likewise punish Job with death? Job died also.

Neither one of the above died MERELY because of effects and consequences of the sins of others around them who put them under eventually-lethal temptational duress, but because THEY THEMSELVES gave in, now and then, to that temptational duress, and thus sinned against their then-furious-and-enraged God and Redeeming Savior.

Passing the buck for us caving while being persecuted with non-solicited temptations simply won't cut it as to God exempting us from that punishment known as our deaths. Nor our lying promise of: "Sorry, I made a mistake. I want to [or will] NEVER to THAT again" - evidenced by us DOING it again....over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, etc. until the Lord gets completely fed up with us and permanently consigns our hopelessly-deviant carcasses to absolutely-submissive and permanent motionless silence in the local morgue, casket, and ABSOLUTE and PERMANENT obedience to:

Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God. I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth!"

Getting back to any one of the three scenarios above....

WILL our regret about "accidentally" [or in fact deliberately - though denied and non-admittedly] in effect SLAPPING the police officer at that intersection, SLAPPING the Basic-Training Marine sergeant, or SLAPPING our trusting the blatantly sinning against any of the three....exonerate us to the extent of avoiding assured, inevitable, and understandably-applied punishment?

And when they REALLY DO punish us to the extent that we CERTAINLY DESERVE, should they then be slandered and reviled as "intolerable" or "harsh" or "cruel" or "non-forgiving biased bigots?"

As with historically-recorded heartless Nazis under Hitler, cruel Communists under Lenin and Stalin, cowardly-ski-masked ISIS has now come on the frightening and horrifying scene to remind us that justice against disobedience (involving whatever) is not assuaged nor bypassed by vain and futile empty threats, promises, irrationalizations and excuses.

What SHOULD be done, REGARDING and not "concerning" PHYSICAL punishment and mental anguish because of any even-one-time/seldom/often sin by sinners against the moral Mosaic Law or any other Law in the Old or New Testament (and Jesus gave many Torah-referred-to ones in the gospels, as did Paul and Peter and John in the epistles)....not against inadequate and insufficient sharia law of the Qur'an or TRUE justice done for PROVEN-and-not-supposed SPECIFIC and DECLARED anti-SCRIPTURAL infractions ACTUALLY committed.....NOT for satanic, selfish, carnal-jihad, cultic-islamic cravings to murder, rape, and decapitate or torture -- without GENUINE Judeo-Christian BIBLICAL grounds concerning disobedience against SUCH and NO other.

Recently, the hitherto unheard of was rumored by some non-named source, and it went something like this:

PASTOR/PRIEST/IMAM: [speaking from the pulpit to the congregation]: "Linda Cavvorrnouwsky, Sally Mickorrouvitsch, and Janet Laszitchzinstein, stand up, step out of the pew where you are sitting, and come up to the front here. Don't be shy, because the security ushers know who you are and where you are at, and will physically assist you if you now delay."

[ Fearful and embarrassed, Cute-Hispanic Linda and Lovely-Negroid Sally and Attractive-Asian Janet rose, stepped out of the pews where they were sitting, came forward, and stood in front of the pulpit ]

PASTOR: All three of you are exhibiting loose long hair hanging down lower than mouth-level, are exposing naked arms with sleevesless dress, are wearing shortened skirts of various lengths baring your nude legs, and are wearing sandals without socks.

Do all of you realize that you are violating the obvious intents and inferences of RSV's and ESV's and NASB's Numbers 5:18 in rightly-interpreted context, Second Samuel 13:18 in proper context, Song of Solomon 7:5 in rightly-interpreted context, Isaiah 47:1-3 in rightly-interpreted context, Jeremiah 2:25 in rightly-interpreted context, and First Timothy 2:9?

Please answer in unison.

LINDA, SALLY, and JANET: Yes we do, your Highness.


LINDA, SALLY, and JANET: YES, your Honor.

PASTOR: So what are you going to do about it now, Linda?

LINDA: Ask an usher for a rubber-band-like black or brown hairband tie and tie my porno-obscene-view loose long hair into a decently-observable back-of-head ponytail, and bring a choir robe for me to slip on over my insufficient clothes in front of the congregation to hide the sexually-harassing, visually-abusive, immodestly-erotic flaunting of my devastating and diabolically-displayed, despicably-titillating, sleevesless naked arms, nude bare legs, and partially-exposed bare feet.

PASTOR: And how about you, Sally?

SALLY: Same as Linda.

PASTOR: And you, Janet?

JANET: Ditto.

PASTOR: Ushers, you heard them. DO it NOW.

And, you penitently remorseful and humiliated gals, there is MORE.

You MUST donate something out of your purses into an offering plate one of the ushers is bringing up now, and since none of you brought your purses up here with you, the ushers are now retrieving them out of the pew you were sitting in to give to you up here.

PASTOR: Congregation, turn in your hymnals to the song "Amazing Grace, How Sweet The Sound" and we'll sing all four verses while these penitent inferior-gender sinners are standing up here. After that, we'll also sing "Jesus Paid It All."

And, all three of you sensuously-desirable young pretties, having irresponsibly and flagrantly advertised parts of your profound bodily pulchritude and thus irrevocably already made yourselves into non-trustworthy, targeted but despised, detestable, and abhorred shunned sex objects, can afterward Go in Peace And Sin No More, with or without retribution from visually injured congregants who you have gratuitously aroused and now understandably suspiciously watching your every move with possible intent to seduce and defile you or a substitute because of you who none nor all of them can make use of.