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![]() Does Christ want us? IF we accept and do not reject that want of His when we become aware of it. The Lord NEVER "accepts" us "as we are;" He instead INVITES us as we are. If we are not what we should be, NOR become what we should be, we are bound to burn in hell forever. Remember the man without the wedding garment at the marriage feast of the king who was thrown out by the gentle yet violent King. Authentic Christians are NEVER politically "incorrect" in the ultimate sense, as God the Creator is NEVER "incorrect" in the ultimate and proper sense. Jesus Christ and His followers are ALWAYS POLITICALLY CORRECT, as Scripture and old Webster dictionaries define: "correctness." It would be blasphemous to claim God and his political people are in error and wrong, politically or in any other way! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yahoo News no longer provides the "Discuss" option pertaining to their news headlines, and http://newsforum.com no longer immediately posts news-commentator comments on their website, although during the past two years they posted around 260 of the political and religious commentaries of Icorigin which you perhaps can still view on their website. Yahoo (as of the Spring of 2009) has stated that they will shut down ALL Geocities websites later this summer. That would include: http://geocities.com/yourteensposing4u (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/fantasylessons (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/decentwomen (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/modestytest (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/date2mateforms (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/erosination (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/bibleros (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/plethorium (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/stylesforsaints (w/hotlinks) http://geocities.com/layity (w/hotlinks) Copy anything of them you want saved to hard disk or flashdrive NOW! ---------------------------------------------------- An English translation of the New Testament as fine as the KJV can be delved into by accessing http://wesley.nnu.edu/john_wesley/wesley_NT/index.htm A comparison of New-Testament Greek Texts can be found at: http://greeknewtestament.com The Scrivener/Trinitarian Greek Text can be seen at: http://bibledbdata.org/onlinebibles/greek_1894_utf8 Great JS Bach musical scores can be downloaded from http://www.greatjsbach.net and click on the appropriate hotlinked button. Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" was somewhat-nonrealistically brutal; NO one (even the Christ) could lose THAT much blood by the movie-portrayed severe beating and remain conscious for a long walk to the distant place of crucifixion. A much more edifying and doctrinally superior movie is THE GOSPEL OF JOHN. Check out their website at...... http://gospelofjohnthefilm.com Bible downloads for Arabic, Chinese, and English-version Bibles might yet be accessible at the following URLs: http://www.onlinebible.net http://www.cbbc.net/olb http://www2.ccim.org/~mitbsf/BibleStudy/dcb.html http://www.arabicbible.com/bible/search.htm http://www.arabicbible.com/bible/studytools.htm http://www.winsite.com/bin/Info?500000020605 http://www.winsite.com/bin/Info?500000029241 http://www-acaps.cs.mcgill.ca/~shereen/religion/abible/abible.html Desiring to see what movies are now showing in your U.S.A. city? Log into.... http://www.chicagomovietimes.com and type your zipcode into the indicated search box. Do you have a strange address somewhere and quickly need a nicely-detailed map with a star showing where that address is? Log into: http://www.mapquest.com Was there EVER a case recorded in the entire Bible of multiple-wife/multiple-concubine polygamy where the women involved were not aware of the identities of each other? Did the LORD EVER condemn Jacob, Elkanah, and David in ANY WAY at ANY time for having multiple wives and concubines simultaneously? Why in the Pentateuch does the Torah give a Bible-verse command relating to first-born inheritance for a man who has TWO wives? Why did St. Paul restrict heterosexual monogamy to ONLY bishops and deacons and NOT include ALL Christian men of the New-Testament church? Check the Bible translations (particularly the RSV) within the website: http://olivetree.com/bible/index.html http://www.searchgodsword.org Especially check THE True/Inerrant Greek Text of the New Testament at: http://www.olivetree.com/bible/Frames/GreekNewTestament.htm http://bibledbdata.org/onlinebibles/greek_1894_utf8 Are you seriously hungry, and need to quickly find out national locations for fast-food restaurants (with no tipping needed)? Log into: http://smartinternetguide.com/restaurants.html Do you need free lodging for one night? Log into: http://giveawayrooms.com/index.html The best (most forceful) blow dryer for hands I have ever found in a lavatory is Model XL-C made by the Excel Corp. of East Longmeadow MA. It gets hands COMPLETELY dry in a THIRD of the time of conventional blow dryers! Phenomenal! Defend PRIVATE PROPERTY rights over ENVIRONMENTALIST OVER-REGULATION! Log into: http://www.mercyseat.net http://www.infowars.com http://www.stewardsoftherange.org A great anti-abortion weblink site to log into is: http://interlife.org/pro-life.html Are you interested in printing Christian hymns (with 4-part-harmony notation) on your computer printer? Log into: http://www.ehymnal.com/#hymns Would like to download a music notation program? Try http://mozart.co.uk Like to have sacred music scores downloaded to you? Type http://www.handlo.com/scores/shopping.htm [Click on Current List link on top of their page] Interested in tracing family-history geneology and Social-Security Death Records? Family member names are located by logging into http://www.vitalrec.com/mn.html (or whatever /state.html you need) Also, you might discover someone's middle initial and age by logging into http://kevdb.infospace.com and clicking on "Find Anyone" under the Public Records category. [Clicking on "Reverse Lookup" under the White Pages category will get you a person's name and address by merely typing in their phone number] Would you like to view satellite-imagery photos of anywhere? Log into: http://terraserver-usa.com/address.aspx Master Listing of Icorigin webpages is now available at http://cdcv.tripod.com What operating system(s) to use? See http://win311isbest.jesusanswers.com and http://dosnotmac.tripod.com To view the number of visitors to websites, check into www.statbrain.com Did we want four more years of George W. Bush? Of gas prices held in check under $4.00/gallon and gradually decreasing? Of Bush-directed national security which has prevented another 9112001 terrorist attack within America's homeland? Of Bush allowing greedy people to borrow money for forecloseable houses and luxuries they cannot afford, and thus cause depression and recession and inflation themselves? Of allowing big oil to provide gasoline to power American cars instead of depending upon pie-in-the-sky-by-and-by foreign or domestic way-too-weak solar cell or wind propeller vehicle propulsion? Of allowing corporations to downsize and lay off lazy and greedy-for-higher-wages unionized-or-not immoral and immodest american complainers and gripers and instead hiring humble and devout-catholic-work-mentality Mexicans and industrious Chinese? Of course we wanted four more years of that. But we're not going to get it. The term of our beloved President Bush came to a close, and cannot be renewed. The torch of progress has now been handed to one who should encourage development of battery-powered cars to replace polluting carbon-based fossil-fueled vehicles, see to it that nuclear generating plants are built and operated to reduce dependence on drilling for oil domestically or being under financial obligation to OPEC for foreign oil, and insure that Supreme Court judges are appointed who will interpret the Constitution and related statutes from a Biblical perspective pertaining to such issues as homosexual pseudo-"marriages" and abortion-homicide murder, and be reasonable pertaining to legitimate claims of the impoverished and handicapped on welfare. What we do NOT need nor want is four years under the tyranny of feminists who blatter out their hateful, misrepresentative, and reviling rhetoric. We do NOT want four years of "homeland security" dictatorship against Scriptural right-wing evangelicals, and blasphemous replacement with forced all-inclusive world-wide-religions heresies. We do not want the anti-Christian "separation of church from state." Read angelfire.com/theforce/big10/judgechoice2 We do not want four years of tolerance of partial-birth abortion nor homosexual civil-union pseudo-"marriages." We do not want one-size-fits-all indiscriminate mandatory-doctor-choice/physical-exam democrat "health" care for pregnancy-preventive condoms and prescription "birth"-control contraceptive-pill, porno-lust "education" for fornication in public schools.....nor grades-and-graduation-dependent evolution-mythology apostasy indoctrination therein. We do not want to be prematurely deprived of Big Oil's service-stations-provided gasoline for our autos, and simultaneously made to attach solar cells or wind propellers to our cars for propulsion in the falsely-holy name of preventing alleged imminently-catastrophic global warming. We do not want bureaucratic heartlessness requiring the disabled to depart family solidarity and security and cruelly be worked in bureaucratically-decided mundane jobs for them to continue to obtain benefits. We do not want four years of feminist-sexist women being placed into chauvenistic authority over men, causing sexual harassment, confusion, noncooperation, disunity, resentment, and anger (and that is the SECOND time that I said that!). We do not want four years of subtly and gradually turning over American sovereignty to the antisemitic United Nations or European Union, nor bargaining away Israeli and American territories and resources to anti-Christian terrorists in the falsely-sacred name of "diplomacy." Reagan had his hands full re-securing America's international security after giveaway-Carter did his damage. The foundation for the surplus of Clinton's regime during the 90s was laid by President Ronald Reagan in the 80s, and the causes for the financial woes which befell Bush Jr. of the beginning of the new millennium was laid during Clinton's 90s. Even at the turn of the century, when Republicans had a Republican president and both houses of Congress were Republican, noble efforts were in effect hamstrung by the enough-of-a-minority filibuster-type shenanigans of opposing democrats, and when Pelosi and cohorts took over from 2006 on, the economics took a disasterous downward spiral. It was not Bush who got us into a war against Iraq. Saddam was the nonsolicited aggressor against our ally Kuwait during the first Gulf War, and it was then from the direction of Iraq that SCUD missiles were launched into Tel Aviv and Haifa against our ally Israel, which ally delayed rightful retaliation at the urging of administration advisors. Bush prudently took needed military action against the Saddam who could not even be reasoned with by U.N., NATO, nor EU negotiators, with even democrats in Congress approving the action. It is not Bush who asked Atta and the other jet hijackers to attack the NYC Trade Towers and Pentagon, but instead it was operatives of Al Qaeda....for which Bush and Cheney obviously cannot be blamed. Who can be blamed, as Rev. Jerry Falwell pointed out, were those no-discrimination-against-minority-terrorist subversives throughout the nation who were experts at suppressing Christians and Christian influence, plus increasing the deficit with wasteful pork boondoggles. ![]()
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