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Evolution Barriers
![]() WHAT IS "SCIENCE?" SCIENCE is the ongoing endeavor and continuing accomplishment of humans to - more and more - precisely and accurately explore and describe all phenomena and entitites which or who exist, plus intelligently and logically speculate pertaining to both their origins and future destinies. Some of those phenomena and entities occurred, occur, or will occur as one-time events, but most are repetitious. Humans have, do, and will discover and describe phenomena and entities with words, pictures, mathematical symbols, and other representations in various degrees of simplicity or complexity. Alluding to one rather-respected, non-deniable, not-to-be-ignored phenomenon and physical object within our environment: "THE" Bible, we are informed that the previously-mentioned scientific name-calling began with the first human "Adam" who (according to the Sacred Record) was created by "God" (the Creator). Adam was thus (according to our present knowledge) the first scientist to exist on Earth. Though it is obvious, by manipulatory breeding involving hybrids, that deliberate or environmentally-related adaptations have occurred, are occurring, and will occur WITHIN species-variety KINDS, there is absolutely NO proof - scientific OR religious - that genetic mutations (beneficial or harmful) occurring in the process of natural sexual reproduction have ever - gradually or suddenly - caused genetically-altered offspring THEMSELVES capable of reproducing the same mutations nor the effects of the same mutations in THEIR offspring, resulting in what should reasonably be considered an honestly-different species-variety KIND. As Job 11:12 plainly states: "A stupid man will get understanding, when a wild donkey's colt is born a man." Speaking of that religious text called The HOLY BIBLE relating to referring to it for scientific research, theory formulations, and present evaluations assumed (not presumed) as scientific truth and fact, it is absurd, ridiculous, deceitful, and scientifically invalid to ignore Scripture for scientific declarations. Those who do ignore that Bible because it is a religious text have a nonconstitutional, heretical, and demented aversion against truth and facts no matter if the source of such is religious or non-religious, and such subversive persons who (as Romans chapter 1 puts it) are wilfully ignorant and thus suppress the truth are neither scientists themselves, nor genuine true scientists, nor speak for scientists, nor speak scientifically. Saint Paul, in First Timothy 6:20, adequately enlightens everyone with: "......guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid the godless chatter and contradictions of what is falsely called science." There are two OVERWHELMING PROBLEMS evolutionists encounter in their SENSELESS PRESUMPTIONS about both origins and the extent of time involved. One of these is THE NECESSARY SOURCE (OR SOURCES) OF BEGINNING AND STARTING for all lifeform (and other) entities, no matter HOW simple OR complex. The other is THE NECESSITY OF THE STATE OF COMPLETENESS OF ENTITIES WITH ALL THEIR DETAILED INTRICATE PARTS FOR ENTITIES TO FUNCTION AS LIFEFORMS, even before they reproduce and VARIATE WITHIN LIKE KINDS in the process. Evolutionists in general do NOT like to speculate on the entity (of WHATEVER nature and type) W H O was or were vital in the initial event of the start of lifeform entities. Some mindlessly and actually blasphemously blatter that they have "faith" "scientists" will "someday discover" that. Obviously, they - unlike TRUE scientists who take EVERYTHING existing, available, and perceivable into consideration - ignore the historical record of trustworthy believable MEN who wrote DIVINELY-inspired SCRIPTURE who LOGICALLY deduced, claimed, and declared that "God" created and thus started all entities we humans are able to perceive with our GIVEN senses. The Biblical authors elaborated on the identity of that Creator as being "Jesus Christ." Regarding the second point, we can take applicable and fitting examples. A human body (with all its cellular, molecular, and atomic parts IN DETAIL) CANNOT FUNCTION WHATSOEVER without CERTAIN and MANY parts SIMULTANEOUSLY functioning. INSURMOUNTABLE PROHIBITION AGAINST operation would result IF all created parts were NOT present AND functioning. It is downright ABSURD to PRESUME in ANY conceivable scenario that ALL NECESSARY INDIVIDUAL parts "evolved" ALL AT ONCE. The liver, stomach, intestines, lungs, brain, and indeed an almost COUNTLESS host of other parts each MUST be present and functioning. Hence we have the old but valid news report of Adam and Eve being created as FULLY-FUNCTIONING ADULTS rather than not only not being born as INFANTS but also NOT reproduced FROM either lower or higher lifeforms! The same idea also applies to FULLY-formed stars (apparently along with galaxies and nebula plus enroute-to-Earth light-speed starlight from such...along with sun, moon, etc.) -- all being brought into being ALL AT ONCE (by "The LORD") on Day 4 of Creation Week. The same principle holds true with a vehicle. Of necessity there MUST be an ADEQUATELY WORKING set of spark plugs, carburation of some type, ignition system of some kind (perhaps comprised of a distributor cap, rotor, ignition coil, and so on), oil, various other vital internal engine parts, transmission of whatever variety...for the vehicle to start and move of its own accord. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for EACH INDIVIDUAL PART to have "evolved" SIMULTANEOUSLY (remember the well-taken comparison of a set of encyclopedias resulting from an explosion in a printing shop, or a set of chimps randomly typing up the Library of Congress over trillions of years)! The ASTRONOMICAL PROBABILITY AGAINST SIMULTANEOUS "evolution" of PARTS is IRRATIONAL and OUT OF THE QUESTION. Moreover, IF then SINCE such "evolution" CLEARLY could NEVER have happened (and certainly is NOT DETECTABLY happening NOW), the WRONG and ERRONEOUS PRESUMPTION about the vast and huge TIME PERIODS (e.g. "millions," "billions," of years) such "evolution" is ALLEGED to have occurred is IRRELEVANT for a SANE person to gullibly "believe" (even under arm-twisting extortionist school-imposed duress)! Finally, even though there are SOME similarities between monkeys and mankind (as there are between Volkwagens and Mack trucks), one CANNOT LOGICALLY say that they both RANDOMLY "evolved" with OR without INTELLIGENT DESIGNERS from the SAME FACTORY. Both types of vehicles have tires, a steering wheel, brakes, exhaust pipes, and so forth...but NEITHER are EXACTLY identical to nor with each other. Moreover, pertaining to apes CONTRASTED with humanity, there are PROFOUND DIFFERENCES in SPEECH and LANGUAGE, plus COGNITION CAPABILITY involving KNOWLEDGE PERCEPTION (ever gaze at a gorilla's mindless gaze at you?) -- especially in the area of "ethics," "morality," and "immorality." Without ANY reasonable rationalizations to base "evolution" upon, perpetuating a continuing "belief" in "evolution" and its LAUGHABLE LENGTHY TIME periods is NOT intellectual HONESTY, but INSTEAD a NON-SCIENTIFIC, NON-thinking, proud-snot-STUPIDITY and BELLIGERANCE against the Creator's phenomena of nature, physical laws governing such, divine record of history in the form of the HOLY BIBLE, and VERY limited narrow time frame and TRUE ACTUAL HISTORY in which they came into being: approximately a mere 7000 years ago. Accept no asinine illogical assertion that the Creator was a "what," "which," or "that" and not a "who." Anyone with minimal moronic capacity can figure out that the Entity Who created lifeforms in the first place back at whatever beginning there was HAD to be AS advanced and even MORE advanced than the lower-level entities He created. I myself cannot even create a living dog, bacteria, virus, ameba, or even SO-CALLED "simple" cell. To drive one final lethal reproduce-according-to-their-own-kinds stake into the vampire heart of "evolution," savor some searing sarcasm from Job 11:12 = "But a stupid man will get understanding, when a wild donkey's colt is born a man." In the Final Exam of Life, if any student fails to state the OBVIOUS: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (and did such in the EXACT ORDER and PLAINLY-put TIME frame Genesis chapter one records), their goofhead, ignorant, despicable, deplorable, and irrational academic status is -- bluntly put: FOOL. (See Romans chapter one)! ![]()
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