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Bush Jr. & Secure Iraqi-OPEC Oil Import
![]() Most (if not all) of the multi-casualty genocide-inflicting Trade-Tower suicide hijackers were SAUDI nationals -- not of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, nor Iraq. Such insane vermin were associates with the racist and antisemitic AOTI [ Arab Occupied Territory Insurgents ] such as the worse-than-Nazi Hezbollah and Hamas blasphemously MIS-called "palestinians" ] infesting and temporarily occupying ISRAEL's Promised-Land West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, Bethlehem, etc. Do we REALLY want to export the LURID "freedom" of Planned Parentlessness, the Atheist Civil Liabilities Union, People Against the (American) Way, Atheists United for Severation of Church from State, National Organization (Against) Women, and other anti-Bible-in-public SUBVERSIVES, homosexual episcopalians, evolutionist-mythologist PSEUDO-"scientists," abortion INFANTICIDISTS, and CRIMINAL lawyers who support their obviously-wicked-and-guilty clients with CRIMINAL proficiency....to Iraq? MUST the troops IMPOSE DACOWIT feminist-sexist equality-hangup-discrimination twits on innocent Iraq civilians well-adjusted to the disciplined rigors of Saddam and his obedient-to-law-and-order Baathists? IS it SENSIBLE to enforce INDECENT MOPHEADEDNESS of American women in winter and playboy/penthouse/hustler BARE-LEGGEDNESS with shorts and SLEEVELESSNESS in SUMMER...against PURE-minded Iraqi fundamental women and men? That "liberty" and "freedom" is NOT "liberation" to ANYTHING good - but rather liberation AWAY from good to WICKED choices, lifestyles, culture, and devastating social consequences! There are two ways to view the U.S. war in the oil-rich Iraqi/Afghanistan/Caspian-basin area. Positively, a moral MINORITY of CHRISTIANITY-proselitizing, CHRISTIANITY-accomodating, faith-based enterprising American individuals, groups, relief agencies, corporations and their government agents are acting as TRUE-Christian missionaries enforcing both Old-and-New-Testament GENUINE spiritual and other betterment (with military enforcement) for all - authentically LIBERATING VICTIMS OPPRESSED with BLASPHEMOUS CULTIC ANTI-SEMITIC ISLAMIC HERESIES, their terrorists and consequential devoid-of-the-Spirit, REPRESSIVE anti-Scriptural TYRANNY. Negatively, GREEDY-FOR-REBUILDING-IRAQ power-craving american corporation and american-government capitalists in combo with over-reactive anti-Israel subversives in American businesses, government, and of the type of israeli and american jews who persecuted both Jesus and Paul.... are IMPOSING themselves in NON-wanted, NON-justifiable, NON-asked-for AGGRESSION as Saddam/Osama-scapegoating, immodest-summertime-porn-in-motion-tolerating, feminists-in-authority, effeminately-beardless, IMPERIALIST INVADERS in effect DEFILING a shawl-covered sexually-modest people wilfully desiring religiously-motivated Iraqi/Afghanistan-government enforcement of shawls on women and beards on men. Keep in mind that the crazy islamic jet hijackers who blew up the NYC Trade Towers were NEITHER Saddam NOR Osama - but instead had S A U D I passports or visas. Saudi Arabia's arab sheiks who have and are being well funded by U.S. corporations own large shares and have huge growth contracts with many greed-at-any-cost American/English entities....and such financially-powerful Saudis have not been blamed nor held accountable as they should have. HAVE Saddam or Osama PERSONALLY bombed or poisoned the eastern seacost territories of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, South Carolina, etc.? They [to my knowledge] have NOT! They HAVE expressed hatred against Christ-as-Messiah-rejecting israelis [as did Adolf Hitler]...but they have a LOT of company and support GLOBALLY pertaining to that antisemitic(?) crusade worldwide - even inside America (and their arab-terrorists supporters). Should the American-led Coalition pull their troops out of Iraq - permanently? Log into... http://angelfire.com/darkside/stopterrorists/gulfwar1of2 http://air4iraq.tripod.com Should marriage-discouraging "pastors" impose pre-marital-counseling interrogation on engaged couples desiring church weddings? Such demonic harassment against marriage is right in line with their heretic-"bible" NIV and other mistranslations of I Corinthians 7:1 which mis-read: "It is good for a man to not marry." Why not instead interrogate divorced young women offering their naked bodies for sale at $50 or more per shot for mutually-nude exchange massage fornication in massage parlors or with anonymous-phone-number escort services for erotically-eager young men .....or young-harlot [NOT young-"LADY"] stripperesses from immodestly tantalizing and indecently enticing sexually-hungry guys in no-I.D.-required free-entrance nude-dance-girl bars.... or teen girls allowing nude photos of them to be posted on porn-pervert websites which sensuality-sensitive-and-starved guys can anonymously log into? Best yet, interrogate the seductresses imposing their summertime sleevelessness and bareleggedness in shopping centers, churches, and elsewhere throughout America on warm summer days! Moreover, keep in mind that the KJV and not the RSV, NASV, NIV, NKJV, etc. has I Timothy 5:14 translated correctly, which SHOULD read: "I would therefore have younger WOMEN (not merely "widows") get married, bear children..." For more info, log into these websites: http://angelfire.com/darkside/stopterrorists http://angelfire.com/realm2/cdcv http://angelfire.com/theforce/big10 ![]()
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